Saturday, February 23, 2019

TIme is Running Out!- BONUS Poster

While working on my LGBT Bullying awareness poster, another idea came to the surface. With all of the opioid awareness spreading throughout the county, I decided to create a poster for this.
Growing up, opioids are readily available and we would see how it would impact individuals, families and lives. I find it interesting that a problem that I would see as a child in the 70s are now considered an issue. I see this as a 40+ year wake-up call. Please let me know what you think about this poster.

LGBT Bullying awareness Poster

This project for me was a tough one and personal. I have many friends and family members that have gone through bullying and it is more frequent to those who are in the LGBT community.

I wanted the piece to reflect a teen being bullied by a classmate, with emphases on how words can leave a lasting impact. I also used a top and bottom border in yellow with black letters to mimic a police strip. The photo was enhanced by using the Artistic Cutout in the Filter Gallery to give it a more dramatic look, as well as using the Curve tool to adjust the color and intensity. The letters in the middle all have a 30% opacity setting to show the picture background as well as still being able to see the words. All comments welcome!!!

LGBT Bullying Awareness - Sketch

My awareness piece reflects the harsh bullying that the LGBT school children go through each day.  This project is personal to me since my child is part of the community and has gone through dark periods the past year and a half. I've also witnessed friends and family suffer from bullying, whether it is physical or emotional. Due to social media, these bullying tactics have increased causing increases in suicide. I use the harsh words that the victims are subjected to in my piece. I apologize if it offends everyone, but if it leaves an emotion then it did its job....

I wanted to share some information from, website dedicated to awareness of bullying and its impact.

"Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) youth and those perceived as LGBTQ are at an increased risk of being bullied. Results from the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey show that, nationwide, more U.S. high school students who self-identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) report having been bullied on school property (33%) and cyberbullied (27.1%) in the past year, than their heterosexual peers (17.1% and 13.3%, respectively). The study also showed that more LGB students (10%) than heterosexual students (6.1%) reported not going to school because of safety concerns. Among students who identified as “not sure” of their sexual orientation, they also reported being bullied on school property (24.3%), being cyberbullied (22%), and not going to school because of safety concerns (10.7%)."

Please visit their site for more information on this subject and other information...

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Since 2015, the continuous discussion of "Build a Wall" has been repeated thousands of times throughout the past few years. This topic caused a month long government shutdown impacting 800k federal employees paychecks. The government is close again to another shutdown but currently it seems like they might have an actual agreement to keep the government open. In the meantime, President Trump continues to repeat the topic in social media, campaign rallies and media coverage. No one can turn on the television without this topic being discussed. It's turned into a message overkill.

I remember the Memorex commercial and thought of the constant, repetitive phrase blaring out of the TV, radio stations and social media. So the two images are at this point, self explanatory. This is such a hot topic, on both sides of the political spectrum. But I believe that both can agree, we rather get things done, than things constantly said. I personally feel just like the man on the seat with it all becoming overwhelming and too much.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Photomontage Sketches

My Photomontage Projects consist of 3 political issues - the border wall, the Flint Water Crisis, and Women's Movement in response to the current political climate.
 (scanner unavailable)

Memorex Border Wall

Hijacking the Memorex Advertisement picture, with a Trump head coming out of the radio, yelling "Build the Wall" and its overuse of this subject throughout the media.

Flint - Take A Sip!

Hijacking Flint Michigan's Greetings Ad that originally has landmarks in the letters to be substituted with images of the Flint Water Crisis.

We will Persist!

Using images of the White House, Statue of Liberty and the P-Hat with Persist flag in memory of the National Women's March.