Monday, January 21, 2019

STEAM AHEAD - Innovation Lab concept Logo

I'm taking a Project Management course this year, which is one of 4 courses this semester. I must be asking for mental punishment! Well, since I'm trying to propose an Innovation Lab for our STEAM program, I thought it would be fun to create a logo for it. I'm calling it STEAM AHEAD. Let me know what you think!!!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Am I Ready?

I haven't taken a college course since 2006! Am I ready?
Not sure yet... I have a wonderful, supportive family and a great job that gives me the work/life balance many crave. It is amazing how it only took almost half a century to finally have focus on life. Time to figure out how to do sketches since my class module is requesting this.... I haven't drawn since I was in high school. I panicked at first, until I looked through the sample works and realized... YES STICK FIGURES! MY KIND OF SKETCHES!! So hopefully I will find my flow and get as much knowledge as possible with my class. This is not even including the other 3 classes I'm enrolled in.... It's too late to worry. Start Monday. Ready or not, here I come!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Back in School!!!

So excited to be back in school after over a decade!
Time to learn some awesome skills in Adobe. Love GIMP, but it's time to play with the big boys of graphics! Wish me luck!